Distract yourself with some tall tales about Australia's craftiest beers
We’re all indoors for the foreseeable future, and a lot of us are getting very bored, very quickly! Perhaps a fun way to pass some time and get away from all the doom and gloom of the 24hour news cycle is a flick through this eBook. 

Rather than a bunch of well-manicured, fact-driven serious reviews, it’s a series of tall tales about fifty of the craftiest beers you’ll find from around Australia. 

Enjoy the read.
Trevor - Founder of the Craft Beer Coopery
"The lads have come up with a crafty way to tackle mental health – by encouraging mates to come together over a beer and start a conversation that matters. We're wrapped that one of our beers is helping start those conversations."

Danielle Allen – Two Birds Brewing
About the Craft Beer Coopery

About the Craft Beer Coopery

Australia's craftiest beers delivered to your door, to help change a life

Come join a crafty bunch of lads and ladies from all over Australia that believe conversations are a powerful thing. In no time a curated box of hard to find craft beers will be delivered directly to your home or office door. Each includes:

  • Nine hand-selected craft beers
  • Beer snack such as beef jerky or nuts
  • Tasting notes
  • Man Anchor #Letstalk beer coasters

No sneaky contracts. No long-term commitments. You can cancel in a few clicks. Seriously, we should make it harder.