Lets talk about job loss.

Job loss, or reduction in hours and income can be hard to talk about – especially if your job is left intact. It can be an awkward, murky and guilt-ridden conversation to navigate. We might feel it’s better to avoid the topic instead of talking about it.

Friends and family play an important role in helping someone manage the career transition phase and emotional rollercoaster after losing a job. There are lots of things colleagues, family and friends can do to help someone regain their balance and feel a sense of comfort, confidence and control.

Here’s a few tips on how to talk about it-

  • Stay connected and check in regularly
  • Talk to them about what their next steps are, what are some things they might be able to do next, reinforce their strengths or help them with networking contacts.
  • When people are in distress it can be hard to think of a plan or next steps and when people are able to do that they start to feel a little bit more in control. Your practical assistance can make a difference.

Often individuals will continue to work for a period after receiving the news that their position has been made redundant or will experience reduced hours in the future. Both friends and colleagues can be a key source of support and practical assistance during this time.

Written by Rachel Clements