There be dragons! That said I’d cross uncharted waters to get my hands on this DU CANE PEAK PILS

Origin – Invermay, Tasmania
ABV- 4.8%
Size- 375mL can
Style – Pilsner

If there's one part of man's psyche that has fallen into disuse in the modern world that needs to be reactivated, it's the primal need to get outdoors. While we've been hard at the grindstone (more accurately the inbox or the meeting room) we've forgotten that primitive man was surrounded by nature all day, every day. Their lives revolved around it: they ate and drank from it; they created with it; they protected themselves from it. 

Granted every outdoor adventure doesn’t always go as planned. Aron Ralston recounts in his book ‘Between a Rock and a Hard Place the experience of being trapped in Blue John Canyon in the Utah desert and how he was forced to amputate his own arm with a dull multi-tool to free himself after his arm became trapped by a boulder!  Will Horan, the Founder of Du Cane Brewing, likewise has a harrowing story. After two days trekking with his mate Andy through the Cradle Mountain National Park to get to the summit of one of Tasmania's toughest peaks on the Du Cane Range, Will pulled out his secret cargo of a single, perfect beer and carefully poured it out into two plastic cups. The climb had gone smoothly, the views were insanely beautiful, everything was perfect… and then Andy turned around quickly and accidently kicked over both beers! 

It was that moment that inspired the assistant brewer at Morrison Brewery to start his own brand and create this Peak Pils as one of life's markers. Having previously worked as a mountain guide and spent most of his winters travelling, Du Cane symbolises Will’s own nomadic lifestyle. And not surprisingly from a beer that is made with love, and inspired by loss, it’s a drop perfectly suited to the outdoors. Rather than the sweet, malt heavy Czech version of the pilsner, this Peak Pils from Du Dane follows the traditional German style; a pale straw colour, slight aromas and flavours of malty sweetness and a light hop bitterness in body and finish.

Next time you ready to channel your inner Bear Grylls and head out into the wild, don't forget to pack a few creature comforts, such as a six pack of these beauties!