#FridayFacts Green pastures and dark valleys.
When things get threatening, we understandably want to run from the situation towards greener pastures. Sometimes it works, but often it doesn’t. Try as we might, the inhospitable terrain of the dark valley seemly confronts us in all directions. The threat of falling is real and we wonder how we can survive.
We are left with a sinking feeling that in is such circumstance we have no chance. And all that running has simply left us exhausted. I’ve learnt first hand that when things are not great and the situation is grim, rather than running I need reach out.
So with the difficult news here in Sydney today, I’m reminding myself that irrespective of circumstances, I have mates that will walk in valley with me, the promise of their presence, virtually or physically, enough to help me be sure footed even when my life situation seems anything but safe.